кто погубил омерику
(слишком старое сообщение для ответа)
Oleg Smirnov
2015-03-23 15:51:50 UTC

.. It's no secret that America is in a serious decline from its prior status
financially and politically as the leading world power. Some might ask: why is
that the case, and when did this 'decline' begin? The answers to these
questions help us to clearly identify the 'parasite' and the pathology of the
disease that is currently afflicting America. We began this decline in earnest
when socialists from the 'former' communist Russia flocked into America by the
tens of thousands after the Soviet Union fell. (As a side note, now we have a
huge influx of Islamic-socialists). As these socialist Marxists took up
residence inside America, something dangerously unique began; for the first
time in history, like a parasite, these activists could spread their Marxist
messages from within their new host, where the socialist message was far more
effective and virulent. We all need to think about this last sentence very
carefully taking into account recent events in America (the evolution of
Marxist-socialism in America, and now an influx of Islamists into America).
The ability of these Marxists to preach their message into America from behind
the former Iron Curtain was very limited and highly restricted prior to this
new point in time.

Many Marxists were highly educated during their time in communist Russia; and
as such, when they arrived into America as 'refugees' and immigrants, they
were allowed to enter our schools and universities as teachers. And as they
became more comfortable over time, their confidence reached a point where they
began openly teaching the socialist Marxist message to the youth of America. ..
Oleg Smirnov
2015-04-03 19:09:14 UTC

Google and the Security State

In its early years, Google, ensconced in Silicon Valley, seemed to blissfully
ignore Washington, D.C. It didn’t have a single lobbyist until 2003. Partly
out of the necessity of defending itself against government threats, it
gradually became ever more entangled with the Feds. By 2012, as The Washington
Post reported <http://wapo.st/1elXuhI>, it had become the country’s
second-largest corporate spender on lobbying.

And now, as Julian Assange of Wikileaks details <http://bit.ly/1z2Lt9K>,
Google has become incredibly intimate with the White House, the State
Department, the Pentagon, and the US intelligence community. As The Wall
Street Journal recently reported <http://on.wsj.com/1DW2mWU>, Google employees
have visited the Obama White House to meet with senior officials on average
about once a week.

As Assange also discusses, Google has become a major defense and intelligence
contractor. And a recently leaked series of friendly emails
<http://bit.ly/1NH9ZjG> between Google executives (including Eric Schmidt) and
the NSA (including Director Gen. Keith Alexander) indicates that Google’s
allegedly “unwilling” participation in the government’s mass surveillance
program (revealed by Edward Snowden) may not have been so unwilling after all.

In one email, Gen. Alexander referred to Google as “a key member of the
Defense Industrial Base”: security state newspeak for the Military Industrial

In 2013, Google even went so far as to enlist in the Obama Administration’s
campaign to drum up public support for an air war against Syria. ..

As it turns out, the national security state has been involved with Google
from the very beginning: even in those fabled grad school days when Google was
nothing but a research project, as investigative reporter Nafeez Ahmed has
shown <http://bit.ly/1DvTcAK>. Founder Sergey Brin’s work at Stanford
University on what would later become Google received funding and even
oversight from the CIA and the Pentagon through a program created to seed and
incubate technology research that could later prove useful for information

Now, as discussed below, Google may even be actively taking part in that
information warfare, especially the branch known as “perception management,”
and in addition to its participation in mass surveillance.

Originally the ultimate enemy of gatekeepers, Google now seems on the verge of
itself becoming the greatest gatekeeper of them all. Most foreboding in this
regard is the recent revelation <http://bit.ly/1D19mQq> that Google is working
to make “trustworthiness” a major new factor in its search results. How will
anti-government and anti-establishment perspectives fare once Google takes on
the mantle of arbiter of truth?

Google’s dominance of the online ad market is one source of its potential
gatekeeping power. If a web site running its ads contains content that Google
or its friends in the government find objectionable, it can simply pull its
ads unless and until the content is removed: as long as it comes up with an
excuse convincing enough to keep it from looking bad.
Oleg Smirnov
2015-05-06 12:16:45 UTC

.. Today in America, the neoconservative political movement represents a
"Fifth Column" for the forces of collectivism. Its intellectuals and
activists promote themselves as conservatives who oppose the liberals, but
their political philosophy has nothing to do with what is known as American
conservatism, which has always stood for a limited constitutional government
and free enterprise. These values are anathema to today's "neoconservatives"
in the nation's political, literary and scholarly circles.

The late Irving Kristol, editor of The Public Interest, and Norman Podhoretz,
editor of Commentary, were the founders of the neoconservative
<http://bit.ly/1IfSetU> movement in the late 1960s. In their youth during the
1930s and 1940s, they were followers of the communist <http://bit.ly/1PonCFj>
Leon Trotsky <http://bit.ly/1OZWm5g>. Having bought into the Bolshevik
<http://bit.ly/1bxpRc7> Revolution of 1917, they saw socialism as an ideal
that needed to be spread to the West. While they and their followers
subsequently modified the Marxist <http://bit.ly/1EWVXtL> roots of their
ideology in favor of a more gradualist methodology, they always remained
adamant supporters of collectivism <http://bit.ly/1FP9QLm> for America. Are
they outright socialists? No, but their policy proposals have always been in
favor of massive government welfarism domestically and an aggressive
militaristic foreign policy that seeks what is termed "benevolent global
hegemony <http://bit.ly/1bxpYEF>," in which the U.S. military is to be used
preemptively to spread democracy <http://bit.ly/1EWW4FJ> throughout the world.

The paradigm that neoconservatives have given their lives to is built upon a
centralized mega-state running American society from Washington and also, as
much as possible, the rest of the world.

In Irving Kristol's eyes, the laissez-faire vision of the Founders was a
"doctrinaire fantasy." Its ideals "make it inadequate... for a political
community," he wrote in 1977. In other words, to adhere today to what
Jefferson and Madison advocated is anachronistic foolishness. According to
Kristol and his fellow neoconservatives, such a view must be phased out of our
collective conscience.1

Kristol died in 2009, but his worldview dominates all of today's younger
neoconservatives. He believed that capitalism <http://bit.ly/1Jqc02Y> and
individual rights are dangerous institutions. They must be constantly modified
by a powerful state that redistributes wealth whenever necessary to mold
market enterprises into an appropriately egalitarian social structure. In the
neoconservative mind, freedom, while desirable, is not a primary political
value. Machiavelli <http://bit.ly/1dMNLSO> had the better idea; expediency is
the best way to rule. People need to be manipulatively led by statist elites -
via open dialogue and democracy if possible, but by deception, coercion and
expediency when necessary.2

The neoconservatives, thus, represent tyranny's Fifth Column in America. They
are deceiving the people into believing that they are genuine conservatives
<http://bit.ly/1GYNplm>, but like the socialists who were their mentors, they
call themselves what they know the people want to hear. These ersatz
conservatives have now grown to dominate Washington's think tanks, Wall
Street's brokerages and banks, and many major publications and universities.
They are highly influential writers, scholars, pundits, publishers, institute
heads, bankers and corporate moguls.

The Serpents

What follows are eight of the more influential neoconservatives in America,
past and present. These are not friends of freedom, but enemies. They need to
be recognized for who they are, traitors to what America was meant to be. ..

OS: See the list of the serpents here <http://bit.ly/1QlILlQ>
Post by Oleg Smirnov
.. It's no secret that America is in a serious decline from its prior status
financially and politically as the leading world power. Some might ask: why
is that the case, and when did this 'decline' begin? The answers to these
questions help us to clearly identify the 'parasite' and the pathology of
the disease that is currently afflicting America. We began this decline in
earnest when socialists from the 'former' communist Russia flocked into
America by the tens of thousands after the Soviet Union fell. ..
Oleg Smirnov
2015-05-21 15:14:58 UTC

Who killed America? The left, FDR, the Clintons and
Obama attacked from the front, but Trotsky, the Wall
Street Journal, and the GOP attacked from the rear. ..
They want this even if it takes every life of every
American in uniform ..
2015-05-21 15:24:17 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Who killed America? The left, FDR, the Clintons and
Obama attacked from the front, but Trotsky, the Wall
Street Journal, and the GOP attacked from the rear. ..
They want this even if it takes every life of every
American in uniform ..
"And perhaps the only really effective thing that we can do is maintain
strong our faith in God and employ our God-given talents, each of us to
the best of his or her ability."

and the best of Smirnov's ability - это постить boring пердуху, которую
никто, включая его самого, не читает

расскажи нам лучше про своего любимого руководителя, преведмедведа
Oleg Smirnov
2015-05-21 15:32:26 UTC
Кстати, не первый раз уже Вулах бегает за мной по
тредам, рассказывает как это всё неинтересно, и пытается
укусить за пятку.

Что-то там значит есть такое.
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Who killed America? The left, FDR, the Clintons and
Obama attacked from the front, but Trotsky, the Wall
Street Journal, and the GOP attacked from the rear. ..
They want this even if it takes every life of every
American in uniform ..
"And perhaps the only really effective thing that we can
do is maintain strong our faith in God and employ our
God-given talents, each of us to the best of his or her
and the best of Smirnov's ability - это постить boring
пердуху, которую никто, включая его самого, не читает
расскажи нам лучше про своего любимого руководителя,
2015-05-21 15:35:36 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Кстати, не первый раз уже Вулах бегает за мной по
тредам, рассказывает как это всё неинтересно, и пытается
укусить за пятку.
это ты за мной бегаешь через океан
а я тебе просто сообщаю, что ты обычный совковый дурачок
типа Набоки или Лапенкова (царствие ему небесное)
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Что-то там значит есть такое.
исключительно твои идиотские сабжекты
Oleg Smirnov
2015-05-21 15:37:35 UTC
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Кстати, не первый раз уже Вулах бегает за мной по
тредам, рассказывает как это всё неинтересно, и пытается
укусить за пятку.
это ты за мной бегаешь через океан
а я тебе просто сообщаю, что ты обычный совковый дурачок
типа Набоки или Лапенкова (царствие ему небесное)
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Что-то там значит есть такое.
исключительно твои идиотские сабжекты
2015-05-21 15:37:19 UTC
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Who killed America? The left, FDR, the Clintons and
Obama attacked from the front, but Trotsky, the Wall
Street Journal, and the GOP attacked from the rear. ..
They want this even if it takes every life of every
American in uniform ..
"And perhaps the only really effective thing that we can do is maintain
strong our faith in God and employ our God-given talents, each of us to
the best of his or her ability."
and the best of Smirnov's ability - это постить boring пердуху, которую
никто, включая его самого, не читает
расскажи нам лучше про своего любимого руководителя, преведмедведа
Когда-то давно, когда я был пионером, для определения такой пердухи достаточно было четырех букв: кг/ам.

Oleg Smirnov
2015-05-21 16:03:12 UTC
Post by CF
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Who killed America? The left, FDR, the Clintons and
Obama attacked from the front, but Trotsky, the Wall
Street Journal, and the GOP attacked from the rear. ..
They want this even if it takes every life of every
American in uniform ..
"And perhaps the only really effective thing that we can
do is maintain strong our faith in God and employ our
God-given talents, each of us to the best of his or her
and the best of Smirnov's ability - это постить boring
пердуху, которую никто, включая его самого, не читает
расскажи нам лучше про своего любимого руководителя,
Когда-то давно, когда я был пионером, для определения
такой пердухи достаточно было четырех букв: кг/ам.
Странно она на вас действует - ну подумаешь,
пердуха - а вы начинаете биться в конвульcиях
и разговаривать с голосами.
2015-05-21 16:17:45 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Post by CF
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Who killed America? The left, FDR, the Clintons and
Obama attacked from the front, but Trotsky, the Wall
Street Journal, and the GOP attacked from the rear. ..
They want this even if it takes every life of every
American in uniform ..
"And perhaps the only really effective thing that we can
do is maintain strong our faith in God and employ our
God-given talents, each of us to the best of his or her
and the best of Smirnov's ability - это постить boring
пердуху, которую никто, включая его самого, не читает
расскажи нам лучше про своего любимого руководителя,
Когда-то давно, когда я был пионером, для определения
такой пердухи достаточно было четырех букв: кг/ам.
Странно она на вас действует - ну подумаешь,
пердуха - а вы начинаете биться в конвульcиях
это всё твои проекции
Post by Oleg Smirnov
и разговаривать с голосами.
в смысле, ты - голос?
голос россии, видимо?
ну что ж, характерно!
Oleg Smirnov
2015-05-21 16:23:27 UTC
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Post by CF
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Who killed America? The left, FDR, the Clintons and
Obama attacked from the front, but Trotsky, the Wall
Street Journal, and the GOP attacked from the rear. ..
They want this even if it takes every life of every
American in uniform ..
"And perhaps the only really effective thing that we
can do is maintain strong our faith in God and employ
our God-given talents, each of us to the best of his
or her ability."
and the best of Smirnov's ability - это постить boring
пердуху, которую никто, включая его самого, не читает
расскажи нам лучше про своего любимого руководителя,
Когда-то давно, когда я был пионером, для определения
такой пердухи достаточно было четырех букв: кг/ам.
Странно она на вас действует - ну подумаешь,
пердуха - а вы начинаете биться в конвульcиях
это всё твои проекции
Post by Oleg Smirnov
и разговаривать с голосами.
в смысле, ты - голос?
голос россии, видимо?
ну что ж, характерно!
Oleg Smirnov
2015-05-21 16:54:10 UTC

America was founded within a conceptual framework of being in opposition to
something — the British and the Native Americans, to begin with — and it never
abandoned that framework. It doesn’t really have a clear idea of what it is in
a positive sense, and that has generated a kind of national neurosis. I mean,
we were in real trouble when the Soviet Union collapsed ..

Т.е. им образ врага постоянно нужен, чтобы получать самооправдание.
2015-05-21 17:10:56 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
America was founded within a conceptual framework of being in opposition to
something — the British and the Native Americans, to begin with — and it never
abandoned that framework. It doesn’t really have a clear idea of what it is in
a positive sense, and that has generated a kind of national neurosis. I mean,
we were in real trouble when the Soviet Union collapsed ..
but not in as much trouble as the Soviet Union that collapsed :)
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Т.е. им образ врага постоянно нужен, чтобы получать самооправдание.
ну до чего ж чесучий гондурас у этого Смирнова
Oleg Smirnov
2015-05-21 18:37:50 UTC
Вулах поддаётся дрессировке, я знал.
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Oleg Smirnov
America was founded within a conceptual framework of
being in opposition to something — the British and the
Native Americans, to begin with — and it never
abandoned that framework. It doesn’t really have a clear
idea of what it is in a positive sense, and that has
generated a kind of national neurosis. I mean, we were
in real trouble when the Soviet Union collapsed ..
but not in as much trouble as the Soviet Union that
collapsed :)
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Т.е. им образ врага постоянно нужен, чтобы получать
ну до чего ж чесучий гондурас у этого Смирнова
2015-05-21 18:44:54 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Вулах поддаётся дрессировке, я знал.
нет чтоб спасибо сказать за оказанное внимание

так ты ж совсем исчесался весь, страдалец
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Oleg Smirnov
America was founded within a conceptual framework of
being in opposition to something — the British and the
Native Americans, to begin with — and it never
abandoned that framework. It doesn’t really have a clear
idea of what it is in a positive sense, and that has
generated a kind of national neurosis. I mean, we were
in real trouble when the Soviet Union collapsed ..
but not in as much trouble as the Soviet Union that
collapsed :)
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Т.е. им образ врага постоянно нужен, чтобы получать
ну до чего ж чесучий гондурас у этого Смирнова
Vladimir Naboka
2015-05-21 19:13:44 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Вулах поддаётся дрессировке, я знал.
Причём это лехко доступно любому зиванцу
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Oleg Smirnov
America was founded within a conceptual framework of
being in opposition to something — the British and the
Native Americans, to begin with — and it never
abandoned that framework. It doesn’t really have a clear
idea of what it is in a positive sense, and that has
generated a kind of national neurosis. I mean, we were
in real trouble when the Soviet Union collapsed ..
but not in as much trouble as the Soviet Union that
collapsed :)
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Т.е. им образ врага постоянно нужен, чтобы получать
ну до чего ж чесучий гондурас у этого Смирнова
2015-05-21 19:16:22 UTC
Post by Vladimir Naboka
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Вулах поддаётся дрессировке, я знал.
Причём это лехко доступно любому зиванцу
собака Павлова тоже небось думала, то она его дресирует
Vladimir Naboka
2015-05-21 19:22:16 UTC
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Vladimir Naboka
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Вулах поддаётся дрессировке, я знал.
Причём это лехко доступно любому зиванцу
собака Павлова тоже небось думала, то она его дресирует
...ууу как всё запущено...
Нешто Вы полагаете, что зиванцы у Вас рефлексы на слюноотделение
вырабатывают ?!
2015-05-21 19:24:54 UTC
Post by Vladimir Naboka
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Vladimir Naboka
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Вулах поддаётся дрессировке, я знал.
Причём это лехко доступно любому зиванцу
собака Павлова тоже небось думала, то она его дресирует
...ууу как всё запущено...
Нешто Вы полагаете, что зиванцы у Вас рефлексы на слюноотделение
вырабатывают ?!
слюни - у вас
а жрать нечего
вот вы и ходите сюда ими брызгать
Vladimir Naboka
2015-05-21 20:44:17 UTC
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Vladimir Naboka
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Vladimir Naboka
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Вулах поддаётся дрессировке, я знал.
Причём это лехко доступно любому зиванцу
собака Павлова тоже небось думала, то она его дресирует
...ууу как всё запущено...
Нешто Вы полагаете, что зиванцы у Вас рефлексы на слюноотделение
вырабатывают ?!
слюни - у вас
Т.е. у Вас такое генетическое заболевание когда слюней нет ?! Ужос...
И думаете, что зиванцы помогают Вам, вырабатывая у Вас рефлекс ?
Post by 999Vulcan
а жрать нечего
Почему Вы так думаете ? Это Вам Голос Америки до сих пор так говорит ?!
Post by 999Vulcan
вот вы и ходите сюда ими брызгать
А почему Вы думаете, что это плохо ?
Побрызгать Вам слюнёй, ежели у Вас своей нету ?
2015-05-21 20:49:46 UTC
Post by Vladimir Naboka
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Vladimir Naboka
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Vladimir Naboka
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Вулах поддаётся дрессировке, я знал.
Причём это лехко доступно любому зиванцу
собака Павлова тоже небось думала, то она его дресирует
...ууу как всё запущено...
Нешто Вы полагаете, что зиванцы у Вас рефлексы на слюноотделение
вырабатывают ?!
слюни - у вас
Т.е. у Вас такое генетическое заболевание когда слюней нет ?! Ужос...
И думаете, что зиванцы помогают Вам, вырабатывая у Вас рефлекс ?
Post by 999Vulcan
а жрать нечего
Почему Вы так думаете ? Это Вам Голос Америки до сих пор так говорит ?!
голос америки говорит вам, а не нам
нам говорит голос россии
в Вашем и Смирнова лице
Post by Vladimir Naboka
Post by 999Vulcan
вот вы и ходите сюда ими брызгать
А почему Вы думаете, что это плохо ?
Побрызгать Вам слюнёй, ежели у Вас своей нету ?
я не говорю, что это плохо
я просто константирую факт :)
Vladimir Naboka
2015-05-21 20:55:21 UTC
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Vladimir Naboka
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Vladimir Naboka
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Vladimir Naboka
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Вулах поддаётся дрессировке, я знал.
Причём это лехко доступно любому зиванцу
собака Павлова тоже небось думала, то она его дресирует
...ууу как всё запущено...
Нешто Вы полагаете, что зиванцы у Вас рефлексы на слюноотделение
вырабатывают ?!
слюни - у вас
Т.е. у Вас такое генетическое заболевание когда слюней нет ?! Ужос...
И думаете, что зиванцы помогают Вам, вырабатывая у Вас рефлекс ?
Post by 999Vulcan
а жрать нечего
Почему Вы так думаете ? Это Вам Голос Америки до сих пор так говорит ?!
голос америки говорит вам, а не нам
Так он Вам Круглые сутки говорит, а нам теперь совсем мало.
Post by 999Vulcan
нам говорит голос россии
в Вашем и Смирнова лице
Вот и внимайте.
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Vladimir Naboka
Post by 999Vulcan
вот вы и ходите сюда ими брызгать
А почему Вы думаете, что это плохо ?
Побрызгать Вам слюнёй, ежели у Вас своей нету ?
я не говорю, что это плохо
я просто константирую факт :)
(участливо) и как ? вроде помогает ?
Во ! не только дрессировка, но и вырабатывание рефлексов !!
Oleg Smirnov
2015-05-21 18:39:16 UTC
<http://tinyurl.com/q8n5323> salon.com

.. Anyone who thinks of America and its place in the world clearly and
honestly understands, with no shred of doubt after the destructive year gone
by, that this nation is now well into its late-imperial phase. As history
instructs us, two signs of an imperial power's decline at this point in its
story are blindness and deafness: It gives up all capacity to see the world as
it is and takes no interest in what those dwelling in it have to say. Clear
sight and open ears are unbearable, for both bring news that history's wheel
is turning and an era of primacy is passing into the past. ..
2015-05-21 18:44:01 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
<http://tinyurl.com/q8n5323> salon.com
.. Anyone who thinks of America and its place in the world clearly and
honestly understands, with no shred of doubt after the destructive year gone
by, that this nation is now well into its late-imperial phase. As history
instructs us, two signs of an imperial power's decline at this point in its
story are blindness and deafness: It gives up all capacity to see the world as
it is and takes no interest in what those dwelling in it have to say. Clear
sight and open ears are unbearable, for both bring news that history's wheel
is turning and an era of primacy is passing into the past. ..
я всё это говорил ещё 15 лет назад

оргвыводов это, однако, не меняет
другого глобуса нет, а все остальные принимающие иммигрантов страны
сосут ещё большее время

оставаться в гонорашке не предлагать
Oleg Smirnov
2015-05-21 19:04:00 UTC
Post by 999Vulcan
Post by Oleg Smirnov
<http://tinyurl.com/q8n5323> salon.com
.. Anyone who thinks of America and its place in the
world clearly and honestly understands, with no shred of
doubt after the destructive year gone
by, that this nation is now well into its late-imperial
phase. As history instructs us, two signs of an imperial
power's decline at this point in its story are blindness
and deafness: It gives up all capacity to see the world
as it is and takes no interest in what those dwelling in
it have to say. Clear sight and open ears are unbearable,
for both bring news that history's wheel is turning and
an era of primacy is passing into the past. ..
я всё это говорил ещё 15 лет назад
оргвыводов это, однако, не меняет
другого глобуса нет, а все остальные принимающие
иммигрантов страны сосут ещё большее время
оставаться в гонорашке не предлагать
А кто предлагает?

Вроде, наоборот, нпкнп.
2015-05-21 19:08:48 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Post by 999Vulcan
я всё это говорил ещё 15 лет назад
оргвыводов это, однако, не меняет
другого глобуса нет, а все остальные принимающие
иммигрантов страны сосут ещё большее время
оставаться в гонорашке не предлагать
А кто предлагает?
Вроде, наоборот, нпкнп.
этих ваших новых словей мы в эмиграции не знаем

хотите обидеть - говорите прямиком
Oleg Smirnov
2015-05-21 19:01:57 UTC
That's why we conservatives argued from the beginning <http://bit.ly/1BewpTL>
that the so-called "nation-building" of George W. Bush and the so-called "neo"
conservatives was actually an exercise in the left-wing liberation politics of
Leon Trotsky, the intellectual mentor of the neocon intellectuals
<http://bit.ly/1R7u3PT>. We conservatives predicted that the neocon approach
would be disastrous.
Oleg Smirnov
2015-05-27 20:54:08 UTC

Abroad, we are so indispensable that some large if unmeasured proportion of
humanity would love to dispense with us. "The necessary evil" is the better

This is decline, too obvious to debate. Here is the interesting part of the
question: Do we have to be in decline? This is worth a book. (I know. I wrote

My answer, straight off the top, no nuance, is no. Decline is a choice. And if
our choice is not to recognize this choice - as we seem to prefer - we have
chosen decline whether or not we think we have. Ignorance is not bliss this

Failure to recognize this choice is a symptom of exceptionalism's tragic
tenacity - tragic because it is running us into the ground and sending
Americans and many more others pointlessly to graves. ..

Exceptionalism as another "ism," a belief system full of idolatry, ideology
and myth? If we do not overcome this it will overcome us.

This is my argument for the urgency of new thinking. It is why this column is
the way it is. It is why - interesting sidelight - a recent survey
<http://bit.ly/1LKpmZe> of five Western nations found that 60 percent of those
polled want more news from alternative media because they no longer rely on
traditional sources to describe the world as it is. (The proportion of
Americans: 57 percent. Think about this.) ..
