Никогда такого не было ... again ???
(слишком старое сообщение для ответа)
2024-07-19 20:57:05 UTC
"We will codify Roe v. Wade, we'll ban assault weapons, we'll protect
Social Security and Medicare, we'll pass universal pre-K, we'll restore
the childcare tax credit, we protect voting rights, we'll pass election
reform, and make sure no one, no one has an opportunity to steal an
election again," Mr. Biden said


Bye, Anatol
2024-07-19 21:23:31 UTC
Post by D
reform, and make sure no one, no one has an opportunity to steal an
election again," Mr. Biden said
Dmitry Krivitsky
2024-07-20 01:41:41 UTC
Post by D
"We will codify Roe v. Wade, we'll ban assault weapons, we'll protect
Social Security and Medicare, we'll pass universal pre-K, we'll restore
the childcare tax credit, we protect voting rights, we'll pass election
...and we will make America great again!
Sergey Babkin
2024-07-22 04:59:19 UTC
Post by Dmitry Krivitsky
"We will codify Roe v. Wade, we'll ban assault weapons, we'll protect Social
Security and Medicare, we'll pass universal pre-K, we'll restore the childcare
tax credit, we protect voting rights, we'll pass election reform,
...and we will make America great again!
Ты сомневаешься, что Америка была великой?

Sergey Babkin
2024-07-22 05:03:38 UTC
"We will codify Roe v. Wade, we'll ban assault weapons, we'll protect Social
Security and Medicare, we'll pass universal pre-K, we'll restore the childcare
tax credit, we protect voting rights, we'll pass election reform, and make sure
no one, no one has an opportunity to steal an election again," Mr. Biden said
Что напоминает мне виденную намедни рекламу: наш АГ штата хочет в губернаторы, и
обещает исправить все проблемы с ростом цен и преступности. Как будто это не он
лично изо всех сил способствовал и тому и другому.

